Wednesday, April 25, 2012

hike at sagamore creek

Ron and I took a hike in Portsmouth along Sagamore Creek. We found a good place to launch our kayaks when the weather gets a bit warmer. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera. This is a closeup of a small bit of driftwood I brought home.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

hiking in blueberry fields

It was a perfect morning for hiking to the blueberry fields of Little Blue Job Mountain. Visibility was good, especially to the north—we could see Mount Washington. Massive stone walls run through the fields. They are a peculiar construction with the rocks laid diagonally.

April 1 seemed like a good date to start a new nature journal. I made a sketch of a bit of a stone wall. I misspelled "diagonally" in my journal. You can see the drawing and the misspelling on my drawing page.