This small blank book's pages measure 4 1/4 inches by 5 1/2 inches. It has eight 16-page signatures of regular 20 lb. white paper. My next book will have nicer paper. Being away from the graphic design and printing realm for so long, I don't know any local suppliers, so I'll have to go online for a nice 80 lb. text.
Anyway, I enjoyed sewing the binding with some purple thread that I've had for a long time. I believe it is silk.
As for starting small, it's not just the size of my books. It's getting back into being an artist/craftsman on a part-time basis while I continue my full-time job. I love craftsmanship, and it makes me happy to make things. I have collected some beautiful objects from nature over the years that I hope to incorporate into my books as my skill increases.